Kawaconn Independent Medical Examinations
You will never miss a beat with Kawaconn IME. This Kawaconn app covers the entire search and find, book to bill process for your panel of specialists. Kawaconn IME will save at least three hours of staff time for every Independent medical assessment. Your staff will be able to schedule specialist availabilities, book appointments, keep track of outstanding medical reports and automate invoicing.
Kawaconn Review
With a simple workflow design, Kawaconn MedicoLegal provides clients with an easy-to-use module for File Reviews (FRs) and Supplementary Reports management. From the management of paperwork delivery to the procurement of dictations and reports, you will never be more than a few clicks away from satisfying your clients needs with Kawaconn Review.
Kawaconn Retrieve
The process of obtaining medical records from a healthcare provider, institution, or other medical record custodian has never been easier.On average, staff will spend 3 to 5 hours of their time to retrieve one set of records from one medical center. Kawaconn’s automated process of retrieval will do the job in under half the time!
Medical Negligence
With the complexities and costs involved withMedical Negligence claims, Kawaconn’s Medical Negligence module uses a step-by-step process to identify the likelihood of probable negligence.By providing triage (with preliminary and extended opinions), Kawaconn is able to help inform law firms on the validity of their medical negligence claims. Save up to $10,000 per medical negligence case with Kawaconn Triage by following our medical negligence module step by step to determine the likelihood of negligence.
Occupational Therapy
Streamline Occupational Therapy case management and help Occupational Therapists stay on top of their report writing with Kawaconn. With the aid of timely reminders, Kawaconn helps clients prepare, manage and secure Occupational Therapy quotes efficiently.
National Disability Insurance Scheme
Kawaconn provides clients with ongoing management of NDIS claims.By keeping all appointments associated with the NDIS Participant together in the one case, clients can review all necessary records and reports about the Participant and assess their progress and needs.